What is ITI – How to do ITI – Complete Information about ITI

If you want to get admission in ITI, then, first of all, you should choose the trade according to your interest. In these trains, you should choose one of the trades in Electrical, Mechanical, Electric, Fitter, Computer Hardware, Networking, Carpenter, Draftsman, Civil, etc. and in which you can take ITI training.


What is ITI – How to do ITI – Complete Information about ITI: ITI means Industrial Training Institute is a technical related course, after which you start to open employment opportunities in both private or government sectors. If you also want to do ITI, then you must do ITI as soon as possible to get a good job.

Choose Trade According to Your Interest

If you want to get admission in ITI, then, first of all, you should choose the trade according to your interest. In these trains, you should choose one of the trades in Electrical, Mechanical, Electric, Fitter, Computer Hardware, Networking, Carpenter, Draftsman, Civil, etc. and in which you can take ITI training.

Minimum Qualification for Doing ITI

To get admission in ITI (Industrial Training Institute), you need to have at least an eighth pass or a tenth pass or a maximum of 12, but the minimum age should be 15 years. Even today many students in India are not able to read after tenth for any reason. In such a situation, through this course, students have the opportunity to identify themselves as well as to get a government job. (What is ITI – How to do ITI – Complete Information about ITI).

Job Opportunities with Studies

If you get the opportunity to work along with studies, then what to say, often students leave the studies and join in search of jobs due to poor economic conditions. But if you start getting some money along with your studies so studies are not a burden for them.

In this case, along with ITI, you can do a job at the local level in the relevant field, which will give you practical knowledge as well as some money. Let us know that after doing ITI after 10th, Considered equivalent to twelfth.

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In earlier times, only those students who had fewer numbers in the academic venue used to take admission in it. But now the students getting 80% or more marks are also admitted to the ITI course. Because of ITI (Industrial Training Institute), demand admitted in the government job. After doing ITI, it is considered equivalent to 12th then the question arises in mind can one get admission in graduation after ITI then the answer is yes. (What is ITI – How to do ITI – Complete Information about ITI)

What is in the Course?

  • ITI focuses more on practical than theory so that students understand things quickly and easily.
  • Like other courses, book knowledge and knowledge of the English language are not compulsory to take admission in ITI.
  • After completing the ITI course, you can get admission in diploma 2nd year easily.
  • Quotes under the ITI range from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 2 years.

Start with Apprenticeship

In ITI, the duration of the course also varies depending on the trains. In which the government institution is available in each state for the course. Candidates are selected on the basis of the merit list in these institutions.

What to do After ITI

Youth students who have done or are doing ITI can do specialized short-term courses in the Advanced Training Institute. Such youth have the opportunity to do a diploma in engineering. Apart from passing ITI, you also get a job in the Army, Navy, and Air force.

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Job opportunities

After getting training in ITI, you can search for jobs in any company, and you can get a job very easily. (What is ITI – How to do ITI – Complete Information about ITI)

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