What is http? How http work? What is the full form of http?

HTTP is an Internet network protocol, which is used to transfer data from one place to another on the web. It can be defined as the command and service given for data transmission on a web page.


What is http? How http work? What is the full form of http? Know the complete information about HTTP and HTTPS. Read the article till the end to know full information about http.

Even if you have had to click only to reach this blog, but what technology is behind it, you are probably not aware of it.

With the help of Web Browser, everything we search on the Internet by accessing Web Server has a unique address. This is known as the Uniform Resource Location (URL). In this, you first see HTTP then WWW, you will see it in all the website links. Through this, a file reaches your system.

What is http

HTTP is an Internet network protocol, which is used to transfer data from one place to another on the web. It can be defined as the command and service given for data transmission on a web page.

To access any website, enter http:// before the address in the URL and enter it on the web page and communicate browser over HTTP. For example, the EduClicker URL is https://www.educlicker.in. HTTP is the default way of communication, that is, when you enter the name of a website on a web browser, it comes automatically by typing http://.

HTTP is a Client-Server Protocol. Your computer, laptop, or any mobile device that requests information to the Web server can be a client. It is also called User-Agent. Earlier it used to transfer only HTML files or data, but today it is used for the transfer of Image, Video, and Audio files too.

This protocol was developed jointly by WWW and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This web browser controls the process of exchanging files between IIS (Internet Information Services) such as Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Web Server.

Full-Form of HTTP

The meaning of HTTP is reflected by its name itself. The full name (full form) of HTTP is “HyperText Transfer Protocol”.

How HTTP works?

Performs Data Transmission using the HTTP Server-Client model. It is transmitted through a set of rules. When we enter the website by entering a link to do some search through our phone or computer, a request from our device’s browser goes to the website.

It responds to the HTTP code. The server checks the validity of the URL and sends a copy of its data to your browser. HTTP performs the work of transferring data from Server to Client, from Server to Browser.

In this article, further information on HTTP will be found i.e. Information about HTTP. Read the article till the end to get information about HTTP.

Information about HTTP

HTTP uses port 80 for information transfer. Mostly HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secured) is used because the information or data transferred over HTTP is insecure. From 26 July 2018, Google started marking a website that was not running on HTTPS because it was prone to information theft.

Data from HTTP goes to Sender / Receiver in the form of Text while Data via HTTPS goes into the confidential script so that no one can read it. HTTPS is the Secure Version of HTTP. HTTP works on TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) which is Connection Oriented.

Guys, hope you have understood What is http? How http work? What is the full form of http? and have found useful information about HTTP? You can share this information with your friends, as well as you can comment or suggest to us to get an answer to any question about HTTP. Thank you for reading this article (about http) till the end.


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