Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement

The major objective of the Quality Management System (QMS) is to attention our organization on the customer, and in specific, on enhancing customer satisfaction.


Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement: The contractor will plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes to demonstrate with the conformity to contract requirements, process performance objectives, conformity of the planned quality management system, and for the continuous improvement of the Quality Management Plan.

Monitoring, measurement, and analysis processes are indicated below:
      • Customer/Employer Satisfaction
      • Internal and External quality audit of the quality management system and the processes.
      • Internal & external nonconformities
      • Repeated violations
      • Process performance measures
      • Analysis of data
      • Management review
The improvement process includes:
      • Corrective Action
      • Preventive Action
      • Continuous Improvement

Monitoring and Measurement

Customer Satisfaction

The major objective of the Quality Management System (QMS) is to attention our organization on the customer, and in specific, on enhancing customer satisfaction. The key to achieving high customer fulfillment is a correct determination of customer requirements and an effective confirmation that the requirements are met.

As described in the Contractor QMS and Procedure for Customer Satisfaction in accordance with ISO 9001 requirement, the Site QA/QC Manager shall ensure the following:

      • The Employer, through the PMT, will closely monitor the progress and quality of work through the periodic submissions of the Monthly Report from the contractor.
      • At any given time throughout the project lifespan, the Employer, through the PMT, will have direct access to the Primavera Contract Management System (or equivalent software as appropriate to the site implementation) for real-time evaluation of all of the Project’s critical parameters.
      • At the practical completion of the permanent works the contractor will forward to the Employer a questionnaire form for his input with regards to:
              • The Evaluation of the overall performance of the organization.
              • The response of the Contractor to serve contractual obligations.
              • The quality of the project.

The Site QA/QC Manager will ensure that Employer satisfaction is systematically monitored as a measure of performance in determining and meeting Employer requirements.

Internal Audit

Internal Audits will be performed in accordance with the “Internal Audit Procedure” and in conformance to “Audit/Surveillance” of PEI to ensure that the Project Quality System is in place and functioning to identify requirements, and to confirm its continual suitability.

The audit will be carried out in accordance with the project audit schedule and as considered necessary. The frequency of audits will be at least on quarterly basis, not exceeding 4 months. All areas of the project sites will be audited and will be assessed against their plans, procedures and this PQP.

An Internal Audit will be conducted by individuals (auditor/s) duly assigned by the Corporate Management Representative and approved by PMT. The Internal Audit will be performed by qualified and certified auditors, independent of the activity.

The audit findings are analyzed and data is used for the continual improvement of the Project Quality System. The results of the audits will be documented and brought to the attention of the Corporate Quality Department Manager, Corporate Management Representative and other relative and appropriate personnel for timely Corrective Action. Copies are also distributed to the General Manager. The Auditor on the instruction of the Corporate Management Representative and/or Corporate Quality Department Manager may perform an unscheduled audit under special circumstances.

Subcontractors and suppliers with work scheduled to exceed six months in duration will also be subject for Quality System Audit. During the audit, they should make all records necessary to demonstrate that the Contract Works have been executed in accordance with the Contract Documents available. They should also provide the documents to demonstrate that the Work is progressing in accordance with the specified requirements.

The Internal Audit Schedule which covers the duration of the project will be submitted to the PMT and a Detailed Audit Plan will be furnished at least thirty (30) working days prior to the actual audit date. Full quality system audits shall cover all the functions affecting the quality of the work including subcontractors, third party agencies, etc. Contractor audits may be rescheduled only with the concurrence of PMT. The PMT will be invited to participate in all audits.

Contractor Site QA/QC Manager and the Project Manager shall investigate root causes and initiate corrective actions for nonconformities identified in each audit. Contractor will confirm implementation and closeout of corrective actions prior to the next scheduled audit. A copy of the audit report shall be submitted to PMT within ten (10) working days of audit completion.

The Project Manager and the Site QA/QC Manager will review all Internal Audit Reports and may interact with the auditors for suitable corrective actions. Results of the Internal Audits are reviewed during the Management Review.

Follow-up internal audit shall be conducted as appropriate, to ensure the implementation of corrective action, and the results reported to Contractor Quality Department and PMT.

All responsibilities of the audit process shall be cleared in Internal Audit Procedure.

Monitoring and Measurement of Processes

Quality team shall ensure that all Quality Processes, activities and construction works are monitored and measured as per project requirements. The Site QA/QC Manager shall monitor all site construction activities carried out by Contractor Construction team or subcontractors, to achieve all planned results for all works as per the Employer Requirements.

      • Project Internal Audits – Quality Audits shall be performed in accordance with the “Internal Audit Procedure”. This will be held in accordance with the Annual Project Audit Schedule and as considered necessary.
      • Customer Satisfaction Survey – Satisfaction Survey shall be carried out at least annually in conformance to the “Satisfaction Survey Procedure”. Results are collected, scrutinized and analyzed to obtain information relating to Employer This is used to improve processes and systems to increase Employer satisfaction.
      • Non-Conformance Reports
      • Analysis of Data
Monitoring and Measurement of the Work

Evaluation shall be done through project KPI’s or Project Management Review Meetings conducted at project site for different operations like concreting, welding, coatings or as per project scope of work.

The measurement of product parameters is carried out at different stages such as; receiving of materials, construction and handing over of the project. The measurement and monitoring shall be performed through the following controls, but not limited to:

      • Material Inspections – Incoming Material Inspection will be carried out on site to verify compliance with procurement and project requirements. Material inspection will be carried out by the QC Engineer and/or Authorized Material Inspector.
      • Site Work Inspections – Site Work Inspection will be carried out in accordance with ITPs duly approved by the PMT prior to commencing any activities. Surveillance and witness and hold activities will be in accordance with the requirements marked up on the related ITP.
      • Material Testing / Laboratory Test Results – Site QA/QC Manager, in coordination with the appropriate personnel, shall formulate Material Testing Program for the project in accordance with the required project specification and/or as per approved standard. Tests shall be conducted, monitored and witnessed by the QC Engineer / Authorized Signatories and PMT in accordance with Material Testing Program and the laid down procedures.
      • Testing & Commissioning – Testing & Commissioning shall be carried out by the Project Manager/Construction Manager, Site Quality Team and relevant subcontractors/suppliers in accordance with the approved Method Statement, Inspection Test Plan and Project Commissioning Procedure.
      • Completion/Hand-over Inspection – As detailed by the relevant ITP’s, any specified final inspection to be conducted shall be at the point of handover to ensure that all sections of the contract have been completed in accordance with Employer’s specification, approved shop drawings and quality standards. This inspection shall be conducted by the Site Quality Team, Site Engineers, headed by the Project Manager and witnessed by the Employer/PMT.
Inspection and Testing

Every major activity will be provided with Inspection & Test Plan (ITP), to the format given, duly approved by the PMT, which will detail the inspections, tests and surveys to be undertaken, its frequency and the acceptance criteria. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

The Site QA/QC Manager will maintain a status register of all ITP’s of the project and he is responsible in maintaining the original and approved ITP.

Each organization involved in the inspection process will have its inspection responsibilities. Such responsibilities will be detailed in ITP and coded as the following:

      • H (Hold) – Same as witness point except that the contractor/vendor may not proceed with the WORK until it has been inspected by the Contractor Inspectors and PMT.
      • S (Surveillance) – A specifically defined routine step in construction where witness of the PMT is waived due to highly repetitive nature of However, PMT shall be notified whenever such an activity is being carried out.
      • R (Review) – An activity undertaken to completely determine the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in the documents for an activity or inspection to achieve established objectives. This may take the form of documentary or visual inspection to determine the extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved to meet specified requirements.
      • I (Inspection) – This refers to actual inspection conducted by the inspector employed by the agency that is directly performing the work.
      • W (100% Witness) – A specifically identified critical step at which the WORK must be inspected in the presence of Contractor Inspectors and PMT. The contractor/supplier is obligated to notify the designated inspector(s) at a reasonable time in advance of such steps. The Contractor/supplier may proceed with the work past a Witness Point provided that the designated inspection representative agrees; however, normally a subsequent similar operation is witnessed at the earliest opportunity.
      • SW (Random Witness) – A specifically identified step at which the WORK must be randomly inspected in the presence of Contractor Inspectors and/or PMT. The contractor/supplier is obligated to always notify the designated inspector(s) at a reasonable time in advance. However the Contractor shall proceed if PMT is unavailable.
      • A (Approval) – As a minimum, each ITP will include the following information:
            • Project Title.
            • Inspection & Test Plan Title.
            • Name, Signature and Company of the person who prepared.
            • Name, Signature and Company of the person who approve the ITP.
            • Document Number and Current Revision Number.
            • Date.
            • Tag Number.
            • Inspection Location.
            • Type of Work / Activity Description.
            • Characteristic Verified.
            • Reference Document.
            • Inspection Responsibilities (H, S, R, I, SW, W and A).
            • Acceptance criteria.
            • Verifying Document.

In relation to the Inspection & Test Plan, the Site QA/QC Manager will maintain Request for Inspections (RFI) Register and monitor its statistics. Copies of the register will be provided to PMT and members of the project team on weekly basis or as required.

Contractor Site QA/QC Manager shall supervise Contractor construction team to prepare a regular two-week look-ahead schedule for all planned vendors inspections and tests specified in the approved Vendor ITP, this schedule shall be submitted in electronic format (as per PMT acceptance). Commissioning works shall be maintained as per project requirements and as per “Project Commissioning Procedure”

Request for Inspection

As part of the Project Quality System, it is necessary to perform different tests in order to ensure that the work executed or being executed conforms to the codes, standards and specifications of the contract.

Prior to each test, Request for Inspections (RFI) will be raised. The request or notice will be sent to the PMT at least 24 Hours before the inspection date and 48 Hours before start date of weekend or public holidays. No testing will be performed unless an RFI has been raised.

All test results from the various tests, issued by the 3rd Parties, must be witnessed, reviewed and signed by the Contractor Site QA/QC Engineer prior to submission to the PMT. Results shall be submitted accompanied by a ‘Test Report’, which will be signed by the Site QA/QC Manager. These documents will be attached to the original RFI and will constitute part of the RFI package.

Test Reports will be accumulated and submitted to the PMT every week. A summary of the Test Reports will be included in the Project Monthly Report.

Quality Control Testing Facilities

Third Party Laboratory and its Testing Facilities will be submitted to the PMT for approval. The plan of the facility, equipment to be used and all qualifications of the personnel, who will carry out the testing, will be submitted to the PMT for approval.

Laboratory/Testing Facility will perform all tests and carry out inspections according to the Contract and relevant Standard procedures. Laboratory/Testing facility will be established to the site.  The Laboratory/Testing Facility will be equipped to carry out the tests required as per the approved ITPs.

PMT has the right to instruct using an approved third party, if he finds that the quality control activities in the laboratory/testing facilities are insufficient. The PMT’s decision related to the method of performing the required tests will be final.

The laboratory/testing facility will issue all original test certificates to the Site QA/QC Manager who will supervise the Document Controller to compile, arrange and submit the reports to the Employer/PMT. The Document Controller will maintain a copy of the report for quality records.

The testing and inspection that will be undertaken to the laboratory/testing facility will be sufficient to cover all construction operations. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

Testing, Inspection and Pre-Commissioning

Testing, Inspection, Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning will be carried out by Contractor with the relevant Subcontractors and Suppliers in accordance with the approved ITP’s. Type of inspection and testing, and responsibilities of related parties will be in accordance with the requirements stipulated on the relevant ITP.

All Plants and Equipment’s supplied and installed will be inspected, tested, and pre- commissioned and commissioned as per approved procedures. A detailed plan and schedule for the pre-commissioning/commissioning of each plant and equipment’s will be submitted for PMT’s approval. The plan and schedule will identify the activities, procedure, duration time, and location of the activities.

Each item of the Plant & Equipment will be Tested, Pre-commissioned and Commissioned in the presence of concerned parties. Competent engineers and/or personnel will carry out the tests. Furthermore, the testing/commissioning activity for the specialized systems will be carried out by the supplier/manufacturer’s specialists as per recommended procedures, who will also train Contractor Personnel to ensure satisfactory operation and performance of the systems.

All the records during the Testing and Commissioning will be preserved and maintained as per the “Control of Quality Records Procedure” and copies of such records will be provided to the PMT.

Control of Non-Conforming Product

Non-conforming Product shall be controlled in conformance to “Control of Non- Conformance Procedure”. The procedure was established to prevent the inadvertent further process of materials, construction activities, design documents, workmanship, etc. that are not conforming to specified requirements.

Non-conformities may be identified and issued by the Employer, PMT, Site Quality Team, Auditor and Corporate Quality Department Personnel. Where nonconforming product/work is identified, Non-Conformance Report will be raised. Contractor Quality team, in collaboration with the involved personnel, shall investigate the root cause of nonconformities, and Corrective Actions shall be initiated and implemented.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall submit a copy of each NCR/CPR to the PMT for information, after initiating the issues. NCR with high priority shall be closed within 5 working days or the justification/Proposed Corrective action should be received within two (2) days along with schedule for implementation of corrective action, if NCR can’t be worked on technical grounds with immediate effect. All approved corrective action and final closure should be sent to PMT for approval. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

Site QA/QC Manager will maintain a summary of nonconformities through the NCR Log indicating its status, taking into considerations that Internal and External NCR Log shall be prepared and maintained separately. NCR/SSR’s, Discrepancy Reports, Logs and Status Report will be submitted to PMT regularly, at the project progress meetings, quality meetings and/or as requested.

Nonconforming products or materials shall be appropriately identified, segregated and/or quarantined to prevent inadvertent use until appropriate disposition has been effected. Site QA/QC Manager will monitor and track the condition of the appropriate actions to close the issues.

In such case that NCR/SSR is issued by the Employer/PMT, the Site QA/QC Manager in collaboration with the Project Manager will respond in writing within 24 hours from the receipt of notification of non-conformance, including proposed corrective action. Employer/PMT may accept or reject the proposed resolution and corrective action. Agreed corrective action should be closed on timely manner. Consequently, after the Corrective Action has been taken and verification of the Site QA/QC Manager has been made, the PMT shall be notified for final closure of the Non-Conformance Report.

Project Quality Analysis of Data

The Site QA/QC Manager is responsible for gathering and analyzing factual data from all relevant sources to demonstrate that the Project Quality System is effective. Sources may include, but not limited to the following:

      • Internal Quality Audits.
      • Non-Conformance reports.
      • Site Surveillance reports.
      • Subcontractor/Supplier Performance evaluation.
      • Company/Company Representative complaint.
      • Conformity of Products to requirements.
      • Data based on adherence to schedule.
      • Trends of compliance.
      • Measuring and Monitoring data.
      • Customer satisfaction.

The Site QA/QC Manager, in collaboration with the Project Manager, shall prepare and submit a Quality Management Report, and attain the format approval by the PMT. This report will be used to demonstrate effective implementation of the quality system being carried by Contractor team. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

The following items shall be included in this report:
General Items
  • Listing of quality audits completed, in progress, and planned for the next month.
  • Status of open corrective actions for non-conformities (NCR/SSR’s, Discrepancy Reports, COMPANY Logbook entries, etc.), audits and management reviews.
  • Quality Personnel Listing by discipline.
  • Listing and status of engineering waivers requested.
Design and Procurement Phase Items
  • Listing of supplier surveys performed and results.
  • Planned surveys for the next month.
  • Listing of Preinspection Meetings led and planned for the next month.
  • Supplier inspections performed and those planned for the next month.
Construction Phase Items
  • Disposition of all faulty or rejected material or equipment received at Jobsite by Contractor and subcontractor(s).
  • Welding rejection rate with chart showing the historical performance during the project shall be included.

Review of the analysis shall be reported to the Corporate Quality Department Manager and Management Representative. The results of the analysis will be included in the Quality Performance Analysis. Corrective and preventive actions shall be initiated for any negative trends. Potential improvement shall be identified and discussed during the management review meetings. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

Project Quality Improvements

 The Project Quality Management System is implemented within all functions and this is accomplished within a total quality environment, which promotes continual quality improvement through active employee involvement and utilization of measurement data from internal and outside sources.

Preventive action reports shall be prepared for any nonconformity, evaluated and implemented to be applicable lessons learned for future improvement. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

Continual improvement in each area is part of the quality policy and objectives. These are achieved through analysis of the results and addressing the appropriate corrective/preventive actions.

Continual Improvements

Continual improvement in each area is part of the quality policy and objectives of Contractor. These are achieved through the continual improvement of the Quality Management effectiveness through the use of:

      • Audits
      • Project Quality data
      • Quality policy
      • Quality objectives
      • Management reviews
      • Corrective action
      • Preventive action
      • Lessons learned

The Quality Management System is implemented within all functions and this is accomplished within a total quality environment which promotes continuous quality improvement through active employee involvement and utilization of measurement data from both internal and outside sources.

Corrective Action

Corrective Action will be handled according to the “Corrective/Preventive Action Procedure”. This is to ensure that nonconformities will be addressed appropriately by determining and resolving the root cause of the issues, and to prevent recurrence of the potential non-conformities being practiced at site.

Appropriate Corrective Action will be provided according to the severity of the identified nonconformity and proposed corrective action will be subject to the PMT’s review and approval.

For Employer complaint, this will be handled in accordance with the Customer Complaint Process as per “Communication Procedure”

 The Project Manager, Construction Manager and Site QA/QC Manager are responsible for implementing the corrective action programme. (Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement)

Preventive Action

Preventive Action will be handled according to the “Corrective/Preventive Action Procedure. This is to ensure that potential nonconformities will be addressed by anticipating and resolving the potential cause and prevent occurrence of nonconformities being practiced at site.

The Project Manager, Construction Manager and Site QA/QC Manager are responsible for implementing the preventive action programme.

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