Project Management Review Meeting

The project management review meetings shall be attended by the Contractor Corporate Quality Manager, Site Quality Team, and Site Construction Team (Project Manager, Construction Manager, Site Senior Electrical Engineer, Site Senior Mechanical Engineer, Storekeeper, and other relevant Site Personnel).


Project Management Review Meeting

  • To review the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the Project Quality System.
  • To ensure that all quality-related issues and agendas are being addressed in a meeting and discuss if the realization of the Quality System is being achieved.


  • ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Requirements
  • Project Quality Plan
  • Corporate Quality Manual
  • Corporate Quality Assurance Manual

Persons Involved

  • PM   –  Project Manager
  • CM   –  Construction Manager
  • SME –  Senior Mechanical Engineer
  • SEE  –  Senior Electrical Engineer
  • SQM –  Site QA/QC Manager
  • SQE  –  Site Quality Engineer
  • SCT   –  Site Construction Team

The process to Flow – Project Management Review Meeting

The Project Manager and Site QA/QC Manager shall initiate and conduct the Project Management Review Meeting.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall prepare all quality issues, reports, presentations, and other related documents that shall be discussed as part of the agenda of the review meeting.

Read also: Project Monitoring Measurement Analysis and Improvement

Agendas shall be discussed to the Project Manager for his review and finalization.

After finalizing the agenda, the Site QA/QC Manager shall prepare an Inter-Office Memo that will be signed by him to inform all concerned personnel, to attend the meeting. The Employer / PMT will also be invited to attend the review meeting.

The project management review meetings shall be attended by the Contractor Corporate Quality Manager, Site Quality Team, and Site Construction Team (Project Manager, Construction Manager, Site Senior Electrical Engineer, Site Senior Mechanical Engineer, Storekeeper and other relevant Site Personnel).

 The meeting shall also review the following:

  • Special areas of construction requiring a Method Statement and ITP’s.
  • Training needs for site personnel.
  • Non-conformance reports and investigates the effectiveness of corrective actions.
  • Any identified defects or improvements required in the Project Quality System.
  • Corrective & Preventive Action.
  • Ensure that management objectives and methods are achieving the desired results.
  • Handover Planning and requirements.
  • Sub-contractor Quality Performances.
  • Review internal audit findings.
  • Customer Complaints.
  • Project needs.
  • Construction progress.
  • Existing and potential risks.
  • PMT Monthly and Weekly Report (PQI).
  • Others.

Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded

Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded and maintained by the Site QA/QC Manager and copies shall be distributed to Project Director, Employer / PMT, and all attendees.

Results and proposed action plans as a result of the Management Review shall be submitted in writing to the Employer / PMT two (2) weeks after the scheduled review meeting.

Read also: Project Communication Procedure and Plan

As the result of the Project Management Review Meeting, in case an amendment to any part of the Quality System is required, request to change a document shall be processed in accordance with the Document Control Procedure. Changes shall be incorporated in the Project Quality Plan duly approved by Employer / PMT prior to its distribution and implementation.

Project Management Review meeting shall be conducted twice in a year, but maybe held more frequently or as the need arises, on the Project site.

The meeting will be postponed/cancelled for some unforeseen reason

On the event that the Project Management Review Meeting will be postponed/cancelled for some unforeseen reason, event and/or condition, the Site QA/QC Manager shall immediately re-schedule the said meeting and relay the information through Inter Office Memo, approved by the Project Manager.

Read also: Control of Production and Service Provision Procedure 

Quality records shall be kept in according to with Control of Quality Records Procedure (CQRP) of Quality Control Plan (QCP).

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