Project Management Responsibility – Complete Guide Line



Management Commitment

Project Management is committed to provide direct leadership and resources to ensure continued conformance with the Employer regulatory & legal requirements and all specified requirements in this Project Quality Plan. All requirements will be communicated to the employees to assure their awareness.

Project Quality Objectives will be clearly defined and communicated to all employees at site to make sure that the quality policy will be achieved. Objectives will be monitored and measured directly by the Site QA/QC Manager in collaboration with the Project Manager.

Management Responsibility

This PQP, Quality Procedures, Policies and Objectives will be subject for review annually by the Project Quality Team to ensure suitability and effectiveness. All reviews and changes shall be implemented and documented accordingly for continual improvement.

The resources required for the smooth and effective operation of the quality system will be identified and made available from time to time. Project Management will ensure that audits and reviews of the Project Quality System are carried out and that requests for resources in the form of staff, labour, subcontractors and materials, etc. were given actions.

Customer Focus

 Employer requirements are determined and are met with the aim of enhancing Employer satisfaction. This is ensured through:

  • A very high level of care is taken to make sure that the quality, reliability and safety of service are met
  • Customer feedback is collected at every stage of the construction and improvements are identified and
  • Customer satisfaction surveys are carried out; results are collected scrutinized and analyzed to obtain information relating to customer satisfaction. This information is used to evaluate decisions that affect customer. It is also used to continually improve processes and systems to increase customer
  • Review of Employer requirements as per the contract, Quality Management System and quality procedures for compatibility and propose revisions in required.
  • By deploying competent personnel at site
  • Through the formal management reviews
  • Through measurement and analysis
  • Through Project auditing

Quality Policy

  • Contractor will be committed in maintaining the effectiveness of, and continually improving our Quality Management System (QMS) to respond to and meet the expectations of the Employer while remaining in compliance with the applicable international codes and standards, and legal requirements of the market we serve.
  • It is the policy of the Contractor that the assurance of quality is fundamental to the work undertaken by all employees and its To achieve uniformity of working methods, certain fundamental procedures will be documented and followed without unauthorized deviation.
  • This Quality Policy will provide a framework for establishing and reviewing the quality objectives so as to conform to the quality principles presented in this Plan.
  • Through its management team, will ensure that the Quality Policy is communicated and understood within the organization and it is ensured that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the project by providing appropriate training for all personnel. Statement of quality policy will be displayed at prominent locations to increase awareness among the employees.

The quality policy is reviewed in the Management Review Meetings and ensured that it is appropriate to the current operations and all employees are committed to comply with the requirements specified in the system.


Quality Objectives

Primarily, the quality objective is to complete the project in accordance with the contractual specifications, standards and approved quality procedures within the schedule. Moreover, each unit of the project organization shall have its own objectives but will not be limited to the following:

Document Control Objectives

  • To be able to control documents, and ensure that appropriate documents are distributed to the relevant personnel
  • To be able to control and distribute copies of engineering drawings to the relevant personnel, and retrieve old/superseded drawings from its use, to ensure that only latest and approved drawings are being used at site.

Project Management (Responsibility) Objectives

  • To attain satisfaction rating from the Employer/PMT during the issuance of Performance/Satisfaction Survey.
  • To limit the number of “Site Instruction” and/or “Employer/PMT Complaints” by achieving the project requirements
  • To limit the receipts of NCR from the Employer/PMT

Project Planning Objectives

To ensure the site progress does not deviate more than the allowable percentage from the projected accomplishment, and make necessary action in order to correct the said delay if it occurs.

Quality Objectives

  • To review and monitor the quality system at regular intervals throughout the contract period, both to improve the system and, detect and correct any adverse trends by taking the necessary
  • To meet the acceptable rate of the Project Quality Index (PQI).
  • To limit the receipts of NCR from the Employer/PMT
  • To close all NCR, including the formation of root cause analysis and CPR, whether internal or external, and limit the time required to close each NCR.
  • Concrete Compressive Strength shall be 100% Approval Rating
  • RFI Acceptance Rate shall be more than 95%.
  • Weld Rejection Rate shall be less than 4%
  • No repeated NCR
  • NCR proposed action shall be closed on timely manner as per PQI Rating

Site Engineer Objectives

  • To minimize the re-inspection activities by ensuring that contracts and/or quality requirements are achieved from the first issuance of RFI (Request for Inspection).
  • To be able to rectify pending and disapproved RFI and be re-inspected at site on the agreed and specified schedule date of the PMT
  • To attain at least 90% approved rating for all RFI (Request for Inspection) from the PMT

Site Store Objectives

To make a report on all problems with materials (damages, certificates, quantities) and report them for appropriate action in less than 24 hours.

Project Objectives shall be a regular topic of the Management Review Meeting (Management Review Procedure. Project Objectives shall be reviewed regularly every six (6) months during Management Review, or as needed, and shall be revised as appropriate. Objectives shall be disseminated and discussed to all relevant personnel.

Key Performance Indicators shall be initiated by the Site QA/QC Manager to monitor and measure if the Project Quality Objectives are being achieved. All KPI’s will be issued monthly, internally within Contractor project team (and quarterly to PMT if requested) for monitoring.

Quality Management System Planning

The elements that comprise the quality process for implementation and development are this Project Quality Plan, Inspection & Test Plans, project organizational charts that describe personnel allocations and mobilizations, titles of individuals, subcontractors necessary to complete the work. The integration of the quality improvement initiatives are described in Management Review, Monitoring & Measurement and Improvements.

The planning of the quality management system involves establishing and maintaining an integrated system that is based on the following strategies:

  • Recognize and eliminate the cause of potential non-conformities to prevent their occurrence.
  • Careful review of Quality Procedures and Inspection & Test Plan prior to granting approval
  • Ensure that only competent personnel are deployed at site
  • Increase and enhance contractor work quality and job site awareness

When conditions require changes, the process is controlled and the integrity of the Quality Management System is maintained.

Changes to the quality system are controlled. It is the responsibility of the Site QA/QC Manager that when the conditions require change, the process is controlled and the integrity of the Quality Management System is maintained.

Contractor will strive to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System through the use of the audit results, analysis of data and undertaking corrective & preventive actions resulting from Project Management Review decisions.

Management Responsibility, Authority and Communication

Responsibility & Authority

The responsibility and authority for different personnel within the organization are detailed in the job descriptions for each position and further made clear in the process descriptions. A brief description of responsibilities and authority for effectively implementing and maintaining the quality system are as shown below;

Deputy General Manager

The Deputy General Manager reports directly to the General Manager and is responsible for providing direction to ensure that quality objectives are being met and execution of contract is are being fulfilled

Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible for overall planning, control and execution of the project in a cost-effective manner and shall ensure compliance with the Contract technical specification, program, financial and commercial policies and practices, quality requirements including  the development, coordination and authorization of the site specific management plans. (Management Responsibility)

This position has an authority in determination of all quality related matters affecting the project. The Project Manager also has direct coordination to the Site QA/QC Manager to resolve quality issues should this be necessary.

Site QA/QC Manager

The Site QA/QC Manager shall assure that all Quality Documents are available and communicated to all relevant personnel. This position ensures that all activities are in accordance with the Approved Quality Documents such as this PQP and other related quality procedures applicable to the project, to meet the Employer requirements.

He is responsible to implement and control the requirements of the Project Quality System. This position ensures that all approved and related quality documents are implemented at site. He shall ensure that all appropriate testing and inspections are conducted, to assure the conformance of the product as per the contract. He is also responsible for mobilization and demobilization of QA/QC Personnel at site.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall manage to meet the Employer expectations and requirements through management system audits, management reviews, customer feedback, performance monitoring and continual improvement to achieve customer satisfaction.

Construction Manager

The Construction Manager is responsible to the Project Manager for overall planning, control and execution of the project in a cost-effective manner and shall ensure compliance with legislation, contract technical specification, programs, quality, safety and environmental requirements to meet the Employer’s expectations and satisfactions.

This position has an authority in determination of all quality, safety & environmental related matters affecting the Site. In addition, this position collaborates with the Site QA/QC Manager to maintain quality of work and resolve quality issues should it be necessary.

Procurement Manager

The procurement Manager is responsible for all necessary deliverable related to materials, supplier and subcontractors that need to be submitted and approved by the Employer/PMT. He is responsible in obtaining all quotations, preparation of Purchase Orders and follow up deliveries as required.

QC Engineer

The QC Engineer is responsible for implementing and maintaining the Employer Quality System and project quality system/plan. He ensures implementation of all quality requirements of the contract and conduct inspection as per the approved Inspection & Test Plan. He is in charge of planning the Quality Control Inspections and preparation of appropriate reports.

He will be monitoring the inspections progress, review reports and documentation and verify, upon completion of the work, that all requirements have been met and that the required quality records have been obtained and filed.

Document Controller

Ensures that all controlled Quality Documents related to the project are maintained to the latest issue and that these documents are made available in all appropriate locations. He shall ensure that all obsolete documents shall be withdrawn from use and stamped as “superseded” if retained for record purposes.

Site Quality Organizational Chart

The Quality Organizational Chart (Please refer to Appendix 1) will be updated as necessary during the execution of the work. The updated organizational chart will be submitted to the Employer/PMT for review and approval.

Internal Communication

Contractor has established the processes for assuring that all employees are aware of the quality system. The QA/QC Manager ensures the processes of the Quality Management System and their effectiveness are communicated throughout the organization by best suitable methods of communication such as quality workshops, Internal Quality Meetings, distribution of audit reports, management review procedures and work instructions.

Management Review

To ensure effectiveness, adequacy and continued suitability of the Quality Management System, Management (Management Responsibility) Review Meeting will be held at least twice a year with 6 months interval. This meeting shall be attended by the Contractor Corporate Quality Manager, Project Manager, Site QA/QC Manager and all other related key personnel.

The Management Review shall include a review and evaluation of the performance of Project Quality System.

After fourteen (14) calendar days of the scheduled review date, Contractor will provide results and recommended actions of such review, in writing, to the Employer/PMT. In such case that changes to the Quality Management System is required, it shall be incorporated to the Project Quality Plan, which shall be provided to the Employer/PMT for approval prior to its distribution and implementation.

Review Input

As minimum, the review inputs are:

  • Pending actions from the previous management review meeting
  • Results of Internal and/or External Quality system audits
  • customer feedback and complaints
  • Non-conformance reports related to projects, materials and processes
  • Status of corrective actions and preventive actions
  • Adequacy of resources and additions required
  • Potential improvements (Management Responsibility)
  • Targets in quality objectives and departmental objectives
  • Process performance and product conformance results
  • Other changes that could affect the QMS

Review Output

  • Improvements in the QMS and its processes
  • Improvements in project related to the Employer requirements
  • Agreed Corrective/Preventive Action Plans
  • Resource needs

Action items should be followed up on at subsequent management reviews to ensure closure. A copy of the results of this Management Review will be forwarded to the Employer/PMT within two weeks after the management review meeting.

Project Management Responsibility


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