Project Communication Procedure and Plan

The Project Communication procedure required to ensure the planning, control, monitoring, distribution, creation, collection, storage, retrieval, and project information.


Project communication procedure: To ensure that all types of data, information, literature, and knowledge are communicated properly to the Employer, PMT, and Contractor.


The Quality Department shall prepare all relative forms/documents required for internal/external project communications.

The Site Construction team shall use these forms/documents as correspondence on any occasion or as needed.

Communication between parties within the project can be achieved through, but not limited to the following:

  • Correspondence (Inter-Office Memo, Transmittal, Letters)
  • Site Instructions
  • Reports (Progress, Nonconformance, and CPAR)
  • Site Meetings (Management Review, Coordination)
  • Verbal instructions
  • Bulletin board, Signage,
  • Radio & mobile
  • E-mails and alike

Correspondence and Site Instructions conveyed shall be brought up to the appropriate personnel and, if necessary, to the Contractor Project Manager.

Read also: Project Control Procedure

Progress reports submitted to the PMT through the Contractor Project Manager shall address, (Project communication procedure) but not limited to the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Risk issues
  • Project Management
  • Planning & Schedule
  • Procurement
  • Budget & Cost
  • Design issues
  • Drawing Management
  • Construction Management
  • Contracts & Legal
  • Documents Management Plan
  • Quality Management
  • Health and Safety Management
  • Defects Management
  • Claims Management

The DCC shall collect, maintain, and update all documents/records and apply the Control of Quality Records Procedure as stated in the Quality Plan.

All documents and/or records shall be distributed to the appropriate personnel for their action as per the Project communication procedure.

Read also: Material Control Procedure

Distribution of documents and/or records shall be monitored and maintained by the DCC.

All undocumented verbal deliberations and agreement due to unexpected circumstances that were accepted and immediately instructed by the Employer / PMT shall be handled by the involved personnel. Appropriate documents shall be prepared and immediately seek the approval of the instruction to the same Employer / PMT.

Employer Complaint

On receipt of an employer complaint verbally or by letter, the Contractor Project Manager shall be notified immediately (Project communication procedure).

The Contractor Project Manager with the Site QA/QC Manager shall raise a sequentially numbered Employer Complaint using the Employer Complaint Form.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall investigate and document the cause and initiate the Corrective Action Request to prevent re-occurrence.

Read also: Internal Audit Procedure

The Site QA/QC Manager shall discuss the formulated Corrective Action, along with the attached Employer Complaint, with the immediate Supervisor or Contractor Project Manager for review and approval.

If the Contractor Project Manager reviews the Corrective Action, he shall sign the Corrective Action Request Form. (Project communication procedure)

If the corrective action involves a Head Office Department or is outside the control of site personnel, the Site QA/QC Manager shall submit the filled Employer Complaint Form to the Corporate Contractor Quality Department Manager to investigate corrective action.

On the satisfactory completion of site corrective action, the Site QA/QC Manager shall sign and date the form indicating its closure.

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure of the Quality Plan.


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