How to Increase Mobile Hotspot Speed on Android

Mobile hotspots allow users to connect to the Internet without relying on potentially insecure public Wi-Fi networks. With the ability to connect multiple devices to one access point, these devices are an easy way to increase productivity.


Nowadays people have started using online job platforms more. People can work from anywhere anytime using the online platform. But to use these online platforms, you need high-speed internet. So here, I am going to give your best tips to Increase Mobile Hotspot Speed. Read this articles till the end to make your mobile hotspot faster.

How to Increase Mobile Hotspot Speed on Android

You need a device to connect to the Internet. Although dedicated access point devices are available, you can connect the access point to your Android phone.

How to speed up mobile hotspots on Android this article helps digital employees by providing ways to make hotspots faster.

Why is the Hotspot Slow?

The speed of slow-moving access points varies, of course, with things like your connectivity (poor reception) and data limits (if you’ve exceeded your data plan). However, the most common problem is how your access point device is configured.

Your phone’s streaming settings affect your connection and speed. Your Android phone has two main transmission frequencies: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

A 2.4 GHz frequency is usually ideal for connections that are relatively far from your router. You’ll get better range over long distances, but at a slower speed and less vulnerable to interference from other devices.

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The 5.0 GHz frequency, on the other hand, works best for short distances, providing a faster connection speed when the device you are working on is closer to your Smartphone. Knowing a little about these frequencies can affect how fast or how slow you can access the Internet.

Why Use a Mobile Phone as a Hotspot?

Our phones have the ability to connect at high speeds like 3G or 4G LTE. Obviously, it depends on the service provider. So if your local cable ISP is slow, you can take advantage of the speed of your phone’s mobile hotspot.

You can be in a coffee shop and not rely on public Wi-Fi, which you should not do without a VPN so that you can connect your phone and use the Internet more securely.

Another reason may be that you are traveling abroad and only one phone has data-enabled, allowing you to connect the phone of other family members or friends with your access point, so that everyone has internet access Ho.

Whatever the reason, you need to make sure that your mobile phone plan allows access point connections, be aware of your data usage, and know that your phone’s battery is running in the fastest access point mode.

Increase Mobile Hotspot Speed on Android?

First of all, we will try to increase the signal without using an external device, just modify the settings of the Android phone. Usually Android phones these days have dual-band wifi which allows you to connect to 2.4 GHz frequency or 5 GHz frequency. If you are using a 2.4 GHz access point, you may find that most of the available channels overlap each other, resulting in deceleration and weak signal strength.

You can switch to the 5 GHz band which provides more channels. This change provides better speed performance when you are overcrowded with too many network devices. You can switch from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz and vice versa on your Android Smartphone using the access point settings within the Settings menu.

The 2.4 GHz band works best when you need more range, and when you need a higher performance in that band, the 5 GHz band works best. So you can try and test which one works best for you in your field. Also, keep the mobile as central as possible and away from any type of metal interference around the phone.

About Android Hotspot Feature

While Wi-Fi is very popular, it is available everywhere. On the other hand, mobile network operators often have mobile Internet signals when mobile phone signals are generated.

Fortunately, Android’s hotspot feature allows you to create a portable Wi-Fi network. Then ten Wi-Fi-enabled devices can access your network and connect to the Internet using a mobile data plan on your Android. These devices (phones, tablets, laptops, and computers) are connected to your Android Smartphone.

Unfortunately, not all data plans allow you to share your mobile data connection, so contact your provider for more information. There may also be additional charges for using your mobile data plan.

Make sure you have enough traffic left on your monthly plan or switch to an unlimited mobile data plan. If you need to use this feature, some operators also offer hotspot plans these days. Android has built-in features to check and limit data usage, and you can also use Data Saver if you are concerned about data usage.

In addition to data, tethering also deactivates the battery, so you need to keep your phone connected or monitor battery percentage by activating the Android hotspot feature. Also, do not forget to turn it off when you are using it.

Please note that for most devices you cannot connect to any wireless network on your Smartphone while the access point is active, as it allows other devices to connect to the access point to use the Wi-Fi antenna.

Some Best Tips to Make Your Hotspot Faster

Beware of background apps

Increase Mobile Hotspot Speed: Many apps run in the background when not activated on smartphones, tablets, and even laptops. They cover the whole gamut, from email to social media and location-based apps. Users must modify system settings for the application to run in the background. To ensure that data is not consumed unnecessarily, enable only necessary background processes.

Place the router strategically

For optimal coverage of your equipment, place it in an area where it can best transmit the signal. The goal here is to cover as many devices as possible, so you need to plan carefully where the router is placed. Wireless signals reach only 100 feet indoors and 300 feet outside. Signals can pass through ceilings, walls and floors but fewer obstructions will result in better transmission.

Set up a fast DNS service

DNS is probably one of the most important features when it comes to having a fast Internet connection. DNS is like an Internet phone book in that a website has a domain and that domain has an associated IP address.

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The service that looks up the IP of that domain and sends it to your device is known as DNS resolution. If you are in the default DNS resolver on your mobile device, this may be the slow connection speed of the new website.

Therefore, we will first change this to use a modern, free and privacy-focused service from CloudFare.

Optimize wi-fi settings

If possible, users should configure access points for small, low-power Wi-Fi networks. This requires mobile devices to be close to the access point, but this increases the battery life of the router.

A mobile hotspot allows people to leave without relying on potentially insecure public Wi-Fi accounts. A hotspot is a significant expansion for a productive workforce, with the facility enabling multiple devices. Ensuring that users know how to manage mobile data flows effectively can make these devices even more effective.

Avoid using multimedia

Uploading email or text to a web page with your mobile device will consume the least amount of data. Streaming videos or music with more data will require more bandwidth. Try to avoid using multimedia to make the battery and data plan lasts longer.

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Mobile hotspots allow users to connect to the Internet without relying on potentially insecure public Wi-Fi networks. With the ability to connect multiple devices to one access point, these devices are an easy way to increase productivity.

How to Increase Your Access Point with Power-Ups

If all else fails to increase the speed of your access point, you may need a cell phone signal booster. The booster provides a strong and reliable cellular signal for your access point, ensuring that your devices that depend on that Wi-Fi have the necessary data connectivity.

This allows you to maintain a quick access point without changing your location or plan where there will be strong cellular coverage while traveling.

If you are using an access point in your home or office, any cell phone signal booster on the website will work well for this purpose. Place the hotspot close to the indoor antennas to receive the strongest signal.

If your vehicle doubles as your mobile office or if you need to entertain the kids during road trips with the extended family, the hotspot may be unavoidable. And while a cellular signal booster is running, it will ensure that Wi-Fi data traffic flows radically.


At this point, you have selected a fast DNS service for your mobile device. You have now adapted your mobile hotspot by switching to the 5 GHz band. If you are an iPhone user, unfortunately, you won’t be able to make any adjustments to your hotspot, but this is the game you play! I hope you like this article about “How to Increase Mobile Hotspot Speed on Android”. Please don’t hesitate to comment if you have any question in your mind.