How to Stop Unwanted Emails in Gmail – Block Spam Emails

No one likes receiving spam emails in their inbox, but the fact is that they exist and are persistent. By using the below trick, you will be able to clean spam/unwanted emails.


How to Stop Unwanted Emails in Gmail – Block Spam Emails

If you have a Gmail ID, then emails will come on it. And if you have registered your email ID on many websites, then many emails will also come. There will be some of them which you do not need. So, how many emails that are not useful for you. So, this is our topic today that “How to Stop Unwanted Email in Gmail” and “How to Block Spam Emails”, you will learn here about the said topic in this article.

If you want to avoid Spam/unwanted emails, then try not to give your email on any website which is not trustworthy. And if you get an email on a website that needs it one time, then you can do it temporary Email.

Why We Get Unwanted Emails

There are basically two sources of unwanted emails.

  • Contacts you know
  • Contacts you don’t know

Unwanted emails from people you know may occur when you leave a job or project. Often, your email address remains on the mailing lists associated with that job or project. For example, I received emails related to that job even after I left a corporate job.

A year after leaving the job I was surprised to receive an email invitation to their annual tradeshow. They didn’t really want me to be present, but I went there a year ago as an employee. The names of the people who put together the tradeshow are still on their email list.

Sometimes, you get unwanted emails from people you don’t know. Spammers can obtain their email addresses through various methods. Here are just a few:

Guessing – They can use an algorithm to generate changes to an email. They then send the same spam emails to every email address.

Hacking – Sometimes safelists are hacked and details are leaked, including email addresses.

Purchase – Some companies sell a list of email addresses. This list is often made when you answer a free offer.

Scraping – Spammers can use a tool to search the web for email addresses posted online. They then send spam messages to the addresses they found.

Gmail already has some very strong spam filters. In addition, by using the techniques below, you further reduce your chances of receiving unwanted emails.

How to Stop Unnecessary Email from Gmail

If you want to stop receiving unwanted emails coming from any email or website, then there are 3 ways to do it.

  • Clicking on the Unsubscribe link below the email
  • Blocking Email
  • Using the website

This process is the same on computer and mobile, so you can do it anywhere. Let’s know what to do to stop unsolicited/ unnecessary emails.

How to Unsubscribe Email

  • First of all, you have to open Gmail.
  • Then you have to open the email from which you are receiving the email again and again, which you do not need.
  • Now you have to come under that email and you will see the button of unsubscribe and click on it.
  • After that, you have to click on the unsubscribe button again.
  • Now you have successfully unsubscribed from unnecessary Emails from Gmail.

How to Block Spam Emails

  • First of all, you have to open Gmail.
  • Now you have to open the email from which you are receiving the email again and again.
  • Then you will see 3 dots on the right side, just click on them.
  • Now so many options will come, you have to click on the option of the block.
  • Done, you have successfully Block email.

How to Stop Spam Email from

  • First of all, you have to go to website.
  • Now you have to log in with your Gmail ID on the website, after which the unsubscribe link of all the emails that will be in the inbox will come.
  • Now anyone who has an email that cannot come can click on unsubscribe next to them and click on Keep in Inbox next to the email you want.
  • After updating the list, click on the Finish Editing button. After which all the emails you have to unsubscribe will stop coming.

Prevention is Better than Cure

Instead of struggling with spammers who have access to your Gmail account, it is better to keep them at bay. Most unnecessary emails originated at a time when you innocently provided your email address. To avoid compromising the data, it may be a good idea to use disposable email addresses. Emailondeck, Yopmail, and Mailinator are some temporary email services that help users access eBooks, vBulletin forums, discounts, and coupons. However, remember that many of them are blocked by authority websites.

Read Also: How to Delete Online Accounts of Social Media – Delete Old Online Accounts

Additionally, social media and job and e-commerce websites are some of the biggest sources of unsolicited email through information. Thankfully, you can disable all of them at the source.

End Part of this Article

So friends, in this way, you can close the right unsolicited email coming to your Gmail and prevent your inbox from getting spam. Due to spam email, our account is also possible to be hacked.

No one likes receiving spam emails in their inbox, but the fact is that they exist and are persistent. By using the above trick, you will be able to clean spam/unwanted emails.

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