How to Get to the Top of Google Search Results – How to Rank First on Google

Overall, SEO experts agree that link building techniques, such as off-page optimization, can achieve an 80% contribution to any SEO campaign. This is the most important activity on our part for our website to rank well in search engines. The main driving force is backlinks.


How to Get to the Top of Google Search Results

Friends, today in this article, I am going to tell you about ” How to Rank First on Google – How to Get to the Top of Google Search Results”.  If you want to learn, follow the below tips to improve and getting to the top of google search results. so let’s start.

Unique Content

Google always likes unique content. A website that has unique content compared to others will rank before others. This is why Google places so much value on unique content. Create content that is also a great side effect for email sharing, such as videos, blog posts, and e-books. That advantage is that people will interact with your website, so Google marks it in their search engine calculations, more backlinks to the website are made from other websites.

This is where the “off-page optimization” strategy begins to understand its importance, presence, and should be incorporated into your SEO strategy. This is the last step for Google to bookmark you.

Off-page optimization

Overall, SEO experts agree that link building techniques, such as off-page optimization, can achieve an 80% contribution to any SEO campaign. This is the most important activity on our part for our website to rank well in search engines. The main driving force is backlinks.

Importance of the “backlink”

A backlink or link is the factor you use to take you to another page. These links are the most important because it is like a vote for our page that will tell search engines that other web pages use your page for information.

The website you link to is more like a survey for your website, the higher your ranking. However, not all websites are weighted, so we need to add some valuable pages that have good page rank and domain authority.

So here are 5 tips for simple link building:

1. Analyse Competitors

This is one of the ways you can start your link building activities. First of all, you need to find your competitors in your niche. And analyze your backlinks and links to various Backlink Checker websites.

You don’t need to link all the links to your website with competitive links, just take the main links from the website. This will help you outperform your backlinks opponent. Keep it as a routine job.

2. Content, Content, and Content

Always providing consistent, new, engaging, and useful content, content and content is the best way to encourage people to link to your website.

Creating relevant and useful content, like your products, industry, current market information with useful keyword-oriented content will likely affect your website more than the other factors discussed here. After the Google Penguin update, regularly published quality content is the recommended method to generate more traffic to your website.

And you should publish at least 2 new articles per week, being more preferable, because Google will favor websites that are updated frequently and contain unique content. And if your website offers good content, other websites will naturally want to link to it.

When publishing articles, don’t forget to write title tags and Meta descriptions on your articles with principles and include the keywords or phrases you want.

3. Join Web 2.0

Linking to a Web 2.0 site is a great and best way to develop search engine friendly links. If you’re unfamiliar with the name, Web 2.0 is a term used to describe websites for which there is a social networking component.

Sites like StumbleUpon, Squidoo, and Tumblr generate most of their content from the site’s own users. (How to Get to the Top of Google Search Results)

These pages include mutual information exchange and collaboration. You can also add articles that include up to 9 free backlinks per article on your website.

The best way to create links and generate strong SEO profits through is to create unique content by targeting your keywords. Always try to include multimedia like videos or images to gain more confidence and authority.

4. Testimonials

Always provide online testimonials to your customers, business partners, or anyone else you can provide, as this is a great way to get free backlinks from legitimate websites.

Don’t forget to include your strategic keywords in your testimonials and link them from your website to the website.

5. Link request for your connections

Finally, the source of your own network of potential opportunities to create more links. Professional contacts, distributors, family, friends, suppliers, and even your children’s school have the ability to provide you with a backlink.

If they like you and are good for them, request a free backlink on their website.

If you can get powerful and valuable links from websites like, it will be very beneficial for your SEO efforts.

There are many techniques to suppress your opponent/competitor. These are just initial strategies to help you get started on a solid foundation.

So, Friends, I hope that these steps of “How to Get to the Top of Google Search Results” give you an idea of how to climb to the top of and first position in the google search result.

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