How to Earn Money From Mobile Recharge?

Now more people do not go to the recharge shop to get recharged. Many such mobile applications have come through which people can easily recharge their mobiles. Good cashback can be earned by recharging with these apps. lets see in details.....


Friends, today in this article we will know how to earn money from mobile recharge? Today many people have mobile wallet, due to which mobile recharge is done.

How to Earn Money From Mobile Recharge

So out of that how much money did that shopkeeper earn in mobile recharge? Here we will know that how to earn money from mobile recharge?

You must have heard about Commission, Cashback etc., from which the recharger earns money, here we will know about all these, how to earn money by recharging a mobile?

How to Earn Money from Mobile Recharge?

Friends, in today’s time the number of smartphone users is very high. But the right use of a smartphone is only when the SIM card installed in it has recharge or money so that it can make calls, messages and internet connectivity.

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By going to the recharge shop, you pay the same amount of money, your recharge plan is to win. In fact, when we go to a shop to get recharged, then on recharging, that shopkeeper gets his fixed commission.

Apart from mobile recharge, recharge also includes other payments like DTH recharge, Gas/electricity bill.

Now more people do not go to the recharge shop to get recharged. Many such mobile applications have come through which people can easily recharge their mobiles. Good cashback can be earned by recharging with these apps.

Here we will learn about these apps by which you can earn good money by recharging others’ mobile or say cashback.

How Much Money can be Earned from Mobile Recharge?

How much money can mobile recharge earn. It depends on 1-2 important things. First of all, how many recharges do you do in a day or a month, that is, how many customers come to you to recharge.

Because on every recharge you get some % (0.5-3%) commission, so the more times you recharge, the more you earn.

The second important thing is that how much amount you recharge, because the bigger the recharge amount, the bigger your commission will be.

For example, in a recharge of ₹ 200 and in a recharge of ₹ 1000, you will earn more if you do more recharges.

On average, we can say that for example, if you use Airtel thanks app for recharge, you can easily earn 5-6 thousand rupees a month.

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Apps to Earn Money from Mobile Recharge

  1. Jio POS
  2. Airtel Thanks
  3. Google Pay
  4. On the Phone
  5. Paytm

1. How to earn money by recharging from Jio POS?

In today’s time, most of the consumers in India use Jio’s sim card only. In view of such a large user base, the Jio POS app has been launched by Jio specifically for this purpose.

Through this jio Pos app, if you do any recharge or pay any type of bill or pay any emi, then you earn money. This application is mostly used for jio recharge in recharge shops.

Because on recharging from this app, you are given 4.16% commission from Jio company.

To earn money using this, you must have a Jio sim, then you will install it and create your id in it.

Jio Id has to login with jio mobile number. After creating ID, you can put money in your bank account from ATM to recharge it.

2. How to earn money by recharging with Airtel Thanks?

Airtel’s name comes after jio in network provider. The number of users of Airtel is also very high.

There is Airtel Thanks App from Airtel, which is used for mobile number recharge, DTH recharge and bill payment etc.

The process is same, you must have airtel sim, by installing airtel thanks you will create id from your number.

On recharging with this, you get 4% commission of the recharge cost from Airtel.

That’s why you can earn money by recharging it sitting at home, for which you have to put money before bank account or ATM. 100 off on first recharge and some commission from Airtel on all transactions.

3. How to earn money by recharging with Google pay?

In today’s time, safe and secure apps like this are being used the most for online payment, money transfer or any kind of bill payment.

Due to this, money is transacted through UPI i.e. unified payment interface.

It is also used a lot for mobile recharge. Talk about earning money by recharging it, then you get many offers and cashbacks on recharging with Google Pay.

To install it, you need a mobile number which is linked to your bank account.

You have to generate an upi id and upi pin by giving your bank account details and credit card information. This UPI PIN is used on every mobile recharge.

4. How to earn money by recharging with PhonePe?

PhonePe is also a very good and famous app for online payment and money transaction.

Payment transactions can be done very easily with this. From this also you can pay mobile recharge, dth recharge, electricity bill, gas bill, insurance, ticket etc.

Cashback and offers are the only ways to earn money from mobile recharge.

This also works like google pay, you need a mobile number linked to bank account, you will add your bank account by registering on phone pe.

Then you will be able to recharge the number of any company, the more recharges and transactions you do, the more cashbacks and offers you will get.

5. How to earn money by recharging with Paytm?

Paytm’s name appears in the first apps for online money transactions. Paytm is also a great app to earn money or say cashback.

Paytm has not only an app but also a website and its own bank and e-commerce website, which means there are many options to earn money here.

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Talking about earning cashback by recharging mobile from paytm, to check cashback, you will open the paytm app and click on cashback & offers below in the home page.

By clicking on recharge and bill payments offers, you will be able to see which recharge offers are running, or how much cashback is being received on recharge. And in this way, you can earn money by recharging from Paytm.


Today’s article How do I earn money from mobile recharge? We have learned about it in detail in this article.

In this article, how can you earn money by recharging your mobile? By which application you can earn money by recharging mobile.

I told you about all these in detail, I hope that you have got good information by reading this article.

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