How to become a CID officer? Complete Information

CID officer is also a very popular career option for students who want to go into the field of justice or police. Today I will give you complete information about CID officer through this article.


This articles is about to “How to become CID officer”. So lets start, the biggest thing of our country is our judicial system. In this everyone gets justice. To maintain the judicial system in our country, many such institutions are running which investigate criminal cases. Solves criminal cases and provides justice to the people.

How to become a CID officer

CID officer is also a very popular career option for students who want to go into the field of justice or police.

Today I will give you complete information about CID Officers through this article.

  1. What is CID Officer?
  2. How to become a CID officer?
  3. Exam Pattern of CID Officers? (CID Officer exam)
  4. What is the salary of a CID officers? (CID Officer Salary)
  5. How is the training of CID done?
  6. Subject for CID
  7. CID syllabus

What is CID officer.

The full form of CID is Crime Investigation Department.

CID Officers is under the Government of India. It is a detective agency. CID was created on 1 April 1906 by the British Government. It comes under the organization of the police but it was created as a detective agency.

This officer investigates major criminal cases of our country and collects their evidence so that he can present those evidence in the court and provide justice to the people.

CID investigates cases like murder case, bank robbery etc. Their main job is to collect the evidence of these cases and present them in the court so that the truth can come in front of everyone and the victims can get justice.

The CID officers also come in our Police Rank Officer only. They also play a very important role in making the judicial system in our country.

How to become a CID officer.

  • First of all, pass class 10th from any recognized school.
  • After passing class X, pass class 12th from any recognized school or college.
  • Than complete your graduation.
  • After graduation, apply for UPSC exam.
  • Clear the Tier-1 exam of UPSC i.e. written exam.
  • Clear the Tier-2 exam after the success of Tier-1.
  • If you are successful in both the tier exams, then after that you are called for Physical test.
  • After clearing the physical test, prepare well for the interview.
  • Now clear the Interview round.
  • After clearing the interview, your training is taken.
  • After that you can become a CID Officer.

UPSC conducts the exam to become a CID Officer. There are different rank exams for CID Officers.

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Posts of CID officer

  • Additional Director General of Police
  • Inspector General of Police
  • Deputy inspector general
  • Superintendent of Police
  • Deputy Superintendent of Police
  • Inspector
  • Superintendent
  • Sub Inspector
  • Constable

There are many posts for the students who want to become CID Officer. He just has to work for 2 years as a Uniform Officer in CID. Only after that he can apply for CID Officers.

Educational Qualification to become CID Officer

Friends, there are different posts in CID Officers and there are different educational qualifications for different posts. I will tell you about the educational qualification of all the posts.

For students who want to join CID, the minimum educational qualification should be that they should pass 12th from a recognized board.

Who want to become CID Officer after 12th. They can apply for the post of Assistant Inspector and Constable.

Students who want to join CID in the post of Sub Inspector. The minimum educational qualification for them is a bachelor’s degree. If a student does a course in criminology, then he gets another advantage. Many universities in our country conduct criminology courses to join CID.

Most importantly, you must be an Indian to become a CID officer.

Basic Knowledge for CID Officer

It is very important to have some ability to become a CID Officers, I am giving you information about it below.

  • Communication Skills should be good.
  • Must have good problem-solving ability.
  • Should have knowledge of current affairs.
  • Must be of sharp mind.

Age Limit to become CID Officer

Friends, to become a CID Officers, the minimum age is 20 years and the maximum age is 27 years. The government has given some years of age relaxation for reserved categories and for women.

  • 3 years relaxation has been given for OBC category students.
  • 5 years relaxation has been given for SC and ST category students.

How many times can you give the exam to become a CID OFFICER?

  • General Category students can give the CID Officer exam 4 times.
  • OBC category students can give this exam 7 times.
  • SC & ST category students can appear for CID officer exam multiple times between the age of 20 to 32 years, there is no limit for them.

Physical Eligibility for CID Officer

  • Height 165 cms for men
  • For women, the height should be 150 cms.
  • For the students of hilly areas and the tribal students, a relaxation of 5 cm has also been given in the length.
  • The chest girth of men should be 76 cms.
  • Eye sight for CID officers – Eyesight (with or without glasses)
  • Distant vision: 6/6 in one and 6/9 in other eyes
  • Near vision: 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in another eye

CID Officer Exam Pattern

This exam is done in three stages.

  • First exam is written (Written Test)
  • There is a physical test.
  • After this the candidate is called for the interview.

The written examination of CID is conducted in two phases.

The first stage exam is called tier 1.

  • In this stage you are asked questions of 200 marks.
  • You get 2 hours for this.
  • If you give any wrong answer then there is negative marking in it. 0.25 marks are deducted for a wrong answer.
  • General awareness in this exam
  • General Intelligence
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Questions are asked from subjects like English.

The second stage exam is called tier 2.

  • 400 questions are asked in this phase
  • You get 4 hours for this.
  • If you give any wrong answer then there is also negative marking for it. 0.5 marks are deducted for a wrong answer.
  • In this test you
  • Quantitative ability
  • Questions are asked from English comprehension.

The students who are successful in both these written tests are called for the physical test and only the selected students of the physical test are further called for the interview.

In the interview, the decision-making ability of the candidates is taken to test the sharp mind. The thinking ability of some candidates is also tested.

Sometimes the officers sitting on the interview panel will inform you about a criminal case and ask you how you approach that criminal case.

This also tests your thinking ability and your intelligence. The interview is of total 100 marks, after passing it you can become a good CID Officers.

CID Syllabus

For Tier-1 (Written Exam)

  • General Awareness
  • General Intelligence
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Comprehension

For Tier-2 (Written Exam)

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language & Comprehension


  • Interview – 100 marks

How is CID training done?

The training of CID is very difficult, how the intelligence agency works, it is well told and explained to the selected candidates during Training.

At the same time, they are also given knowledge of different ways to protect the country so that they can protect the country at the right time and with the right knowledge.

What is the salary of CID officer (CID Officer Salary)

Different ranks of CID officers get different salaries.

  • Fraud Investigator – Fraud Investigation gets a minimum salary of 2.5 lakhs and a maximum of 11 lakhs per year.
  • Police Officer – CID Police Officer is given a minimum salary of 1.7 lakh and a maximum of 7.8 lakh per annum.
  • Paralegal Officer – The same para-legal officer gets approximately minimum annual salary of 2.2 lakhs and maximum running salary of 7.1 lakhs.

You can easily guess that the salary of a CID officers can range from around ₹ 90000 to ₹ 500000. As your experience in the field increases, so does your salary.

Apart from this, CID officers get many types of allowances and other facilities.

Read Also: How Many Subjects are there in UPSC?


In today’s article, you have learned how to become a CID officer? What is the educational qualification required to become a CID officer? What is the salary of CID officer?

Hope you have got answers to all your important questions related to CID Officer by reading our today’s article.

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