Whatsapp पर्सनल चैट कैसे छिपाएं- hide whatsapp personal chat
आज के डिजिटल दौर में अधिकतर लोग चैटिंग करने के लिए Whatsapp का इस्तेमाल करते है. जब आप मेरा ये ब्लॉग पढ़ रहे है...
Pan Card Reprint – How to Reprint Pan Card
If you have got a PAN card made and you want a physical copy of it or your PAN card is already made and...
Quality Inspection Procedure – Quality Control
All Quality Inspections shall be carried out as per the Project Specifications, IFC Drawing, International Specifications, and Quality Inspection Procedure.
ISO 9001 Standard Project, Quality...
All Project sites shall maintain their filing systems to a high standard as per control of quality records procedure. This shall include the systematic...
Which topic would be best for more traffic on the blog?
Which topic would be best for more traffic on the blog (Best topic for blogging): ब्लॉगिंग में अच्छा टॉपिक हो तो ट्राफिक आने से...
Link Method of Memory – How to remember
The basis of training memory (Link Method of Memory) is an association. In order to remember any new thing, it must be associated with...
Techniques of Learning- How to learn
I want to define here the techniques of Learning in the four parts.
Oral Technique - How to learn
First, we will take up the ‘Oral...
Project Control Procedure in Construction 2023
To ensure that contracts undertaken by the Contractor are in accordance with the Employer’s specification, processed under controlled conditions, and exercise a prominence of...
What is Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana?
Under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, the government gives the connection of Domestic LPG (LPG GAS) to the families living below the poverty line.
Internal Audit Procedure in Construction 2023
The purpose of the (Internal Audit Procedure) Project Quality Audit is to ensure that the Project Quality System is effectively operating and achieving the...
What is Google AdSense and how it works? – Hindi
Google AdSense क्या है? दुनिया में जितने लोग जो Internet / Website / Blogging or YouTube का प्रयोग करते है वे लगभग सभी लोग...
How to setup Google AMP – Google AMP in Hindi
आजकल Google Searches अधिकतर Mobile पर ही होती है ऐसे में वे सभी लोग जिनके पास खुद का Website है या एक Professional Blogger...
Kinds of Tense – How Many Types of Tense?
English Grammar - Tense - Chapter-1
The Tense stands for a verb form or series of verb Tense used to express a time relation (Tense...
Why do we Forget? – Human Memory Power
Everybody asks themselves why do we forget when we want to remember something. There are generally four reasons for forgetting something.